On the occasion of World Polio Day on October 24, 2021, Rotary Bangladesh National PolioPlus Committee has organized a nationwide rally and mask distribution program. Hon’ble Minister of Commerce, Mr. Tipu Munshi, MP was present as the Chief Guest at the program organized in this regard at Dhaka Club.
Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of First Security Islami Bank and Chair of the rally event, inaugurated the rally program in 40 districts across the country and participated in the masks distribution program. In this noble initiative, First Security Islami Bank Ltd. has provided 15,000 pieces of masks to the Rotary Bangladesh National PolioPlus Committee for distribution to the public in response to the Corona pandemic. Mr. Ishtique Zaman, Phd, Chairman, Rotary Bangladesh National PolioPlus Committee, Major General (Retd.) Fazal Rahman, Chair-Press Conference were also present in the program.