On 29 November, 2015, Student Mobile Banking (mnR), Mudarabah Student Savings Account (AsKzi), Mudarabah New Generation Savings Account (cRb) & Mudarabah New Generation Deposit Scheme (Dxcb) of First Security Islami Bank Limited has been inaugurated at BAF Shaheen College, Dhaka. Mr. Syed Waseque Md. Ali, Managing Director of FSIBL, Md. Mahbub Jahan Khan, Group Captain & Principal, BAF Shaheen College, Mr. Azam Khan, Head of Marketing and Development Division, Mr. Ali Nahid Khan , Incharge, Mobile Banking and Agent Banking, Mr. Md. Abul Kashem, Manager, Mohakhali Branch of FSIBL, Mrs. Atiya Siraj, Vice Principal, BAF Shaheen College, Guardians, Teachers, and Students of BAF Shaheen College were present on the occasion. From now, Guardians of students could pay College fees of their children easily anytime from their home through FSIBL Students Mobile Banking (mnR). FSIBL Mudarabah Students Savings Account (AsKzi), FSIBL Mudarabah New Generation Savings Account (cRb) & FSIBL Mudarabah New Generation Deposit Scheme (Dxcb) was also introduced among students of BAF Shaheen College to encourage the habit of savings in their life.

In this event, Mr. M A Muhit, First Bangladeshi, who have win the Everest 2 time has shared his experience of expedition to summit of Everest among the Students of BAF Shaheen College.