• RTGS is a new introduction of digital era in Bangladesh.
  • RTGS will give you security for your immediate transaction and it will save your valuable time, labor and money.
  • Clients get their money within short time, so that they can instantly fulfill their emergency needs.
  • Fund transfer facilities from bank to bank (1,00,000 BDT. or above transaction will charge only 100 BDT.)
  • RTGS is much secured for large amount of money transaction which also reduces the risk of large amount money carrying.
  • It is a cheuqeless transaction, so therefore material alteration risk is no more for money appropriation.
  • Because of system automation, it is much secure, easy and prompt.
  • Fund transfer facilities from to Bank to Bank. You can send money to branches in everywhere in Bangladesh.
  • Fund flow management is quick.
  • Working capital cycle also quick.
  • Transaction is possible within 30 minutes.
  • Due to technical difficulties customers will receive about RTGS transaction cancellation message within 30 minutes.